-- Most Prescription Lenses are Available for You in 1-3 days, Same Day is Some Cases... -- Best Frames and Lens Quality -- Opticians with 75 yrs of Combined Experience -- On-Site Full Service Optical Lab -- We accept all valid prescriptions! -- Introducing OpticWash, a new way to sanitizing your eyewear! -- Lowest Prices, in Eastern Oregon
Contact Information
Phone: 541.567.3790
Fax: 541.567.3791
Email: info@AFEOptics.com
298 East Gladys Ave., Suite B
Hermiston, OR 97838
Hours of Operation
Monday: 8am – 6pm
Tuesday: 8am – 6pm
Wednesday: 10am – 6pm
Thursday: 10am – 6pm
Friday: 10am – 5pm
Saturday: 8am – 1pm
*unless posted otherwise.
Where to Find Us
You can find our office 2 blocks east of HWY 395 on E. Gladys in Hermiston on the corner of Gladys and NE 3rd St. For your parking convenience, we have parking either available directly in front of our office or in the public parking area, next to Hermiston’s City Hall. There is also an ADA ramp for easy access to our offices if required.
Useful Forms
Insurance Forms